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ILS Executive Director Cynthia R. Cruz spoke on Hazards at Work: A Study on Child Labor in Crop Agriculture at the 15thOccupational Safety and Health (OSH) National Convention held at the Ibalong Centrum for Recreation, Tahao Road, Legazpi City, Albay.

“Its important that safety professionals are aware of the dangers at work, particularly on what work hazards child laborers are exposed to. This study shows the different risks they are exposed to specifically in the crop agriculture industry,” said Executive Director Cynthia R. Cruz of the Institute for Labor Studies.

The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Industry is booming in the Philippines. And with its prospects gleaming, the spotlight is now shifting to the Philippine furniture industry, which has rapidly expanded over the years.

In view of this huge employment generation potentials of the industry, the ILS organized a Roundtable Discussion on developing Philippine MSME furniture firms for Job Creation on August 7, 2013 at the Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC) in North Avenue, Quezon City.

The Institute for Labor Studies and the University of the Philippines School of Labor and Industrial Relations (UP-SOLAIR) have teamed up for its first academe-government forum collaboration on labor code reforms.

On 11 September 2013 the ILS and UP-SOLAIR will be holding the “Roundtable Discussion on Key Insights for Responsive Regulations: A Review of Labor Code Book V - Labor Relations” to be held at the Isabelo De Los Reyes Auditorium, Bonifacio Hall of the UP School of Labor and Industrial Relations.

The Institute for Labor Studies and the University of the Philippines School of Labor and Industrial Relations (UP-SOLAIR) have teamed up for its first academe-government forum collaboration on labor code reforms.

On 11 September 2013 the ILS and UP-SOLAIR will be holding the “Roundtable Discussion on Key Insights for Responsive Regulations: A Review of Labor Code Book V - Labor Relations” to be held at the Isabelo De Los Reyes Auditorium, Bonifacio Hall of the UP School of Labor and Industrial Relations.

The University of the Philippines School of Labor and Industrial Relations (UP-SOLAIR) and the Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) are teaming up for its first academe-government research collaboration on regulatory reforms on security of tenure.

On 11 September 2013 the ILS and UP-SOLAIR will be holding the “Roundtable Discussion on Instituting Reforms in the Labor Code to secure Employment Tenure” to be held at the Isabelo De Los Reyes Auditorium, Bonifacio Hall of the UP School of Labor and Industrial Relations.