The Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) traces its roots from the Institute of Labor and Manpower Studies (ILMS) created by virtue of Presidential Decree No. 620 issued in December 21, 1974 by President Ferdinand E. Marcos to provide then Ministry of Labor and Employment with technical support in policy-making and program implementation. ILMS mandates extend from undertaking policy researches and studies to implementing capacity building programs for the officials and employees of the Department of Labor.
The rationalization and restructuring of the organizational and functional structures of government agencies and instrumentalities had led to the changes in ILMS' organizational state. The issuance in January 31, 1987 of Executive Order No. 126 by then President Corazon C. Aquino abolished ILMS and its research and publications functions will be absorbed by the newly created Center for Labor Studies (CLS). The organizational and functional structures of CLS had served as the bases of the present organization of ILS.
ILS was formally established in July 25, 1987 through Executive Order No. 251 issued by then President Corazon C. Aquino in response to the growing need of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) for more comprehensive and innovative research to back up its policy recommendations. Headed by an Executive Director and assisted by a Deputy Executive Director, ILS has been instrumental in the promotion of labor market efficiency, industrial peace and social justice in the last 37 years.
MandateThe Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) is the policy research and advocacy arm of DOLE as articulated in Section 3 of Executive Order No. 251. ILS has the following functions as provided in E. O. No. 251:
1. Undertake research and studies in all areas of labor and manpower policy and administration;
2. Review the rationale of existing legislations and regulations and analyze the cost involved in the implementation of such legislation against the benefits expected to be derived;
3. Study and develop innovative and indigenous approaches towards the promotion of harmonious and productive labor – management relations, and the improvement of workers’ welfare services;
4. Develop and undertake research programs and projects in collaboration with other national agencies to enhance the Department’s capability to participate in national decision- and policy- making;
5. Enter into agreements with international or bilateral agencies to carry out the foregoing functions;
6. Expand the scope of research interests with other countries and regions;
7. Publish research studies for dissemination to government as well as to all concerned parties; and
8. Perform such other functions as may be provided by law or assigned by the Secretary.
MissionThe Institute for Labor Studies shall contribute to efficient and effective labor and employment policy and decision-making through relevant, responsive, and high quality policy researches and research supports.
VisionILS shall be a dynamic research institution at the forefront of bridging labor and employment research, policy and practice towards inclusive growth.
Quality PolicyAs the leading institute specializing in labor and employment research, the Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) is committed to promote good governance through the delivery of innovative, responsible and competent research and technical services along the full breadth of policy development process in the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). The ILS shall continually enhance the value of its services through the adoption of best practices, improvement of competence and strengthening partnerships and systems while ensuring effective, efficient, transparent and accountable use of resources.
Core ValuesThe heart of the Institute is our employees who are guided by the following core values:
Integrity We act with honesty, transparency, and accountability in all our undertakings.
Excellence We commit to deliver quality research in labor and employment.
Public Service We uphold the interest of Filipino workers at the core of our service.
Innovation We adopt progressive approaches and offer novel policy solutions in pursuit of decent work.
Compassion We give priority to our employees’ well-being and embrace their diverse skills, personalities and interests as essential elements in our expression of malasakit to Filipino workers.
The Institute for Labor Studies is led by its Executive Director and the Deputy Executive Director. It has four technical divisions, namely, the Employment Research Division (ERD), Workers Welfare Research Division (WWRD),Labor and Social Relations Research Division (LSSRD), and the Advocacy & Publications Division (APD). It has one administrative and support unit, the Finance and Administrative Division.
The Division shall conduct researchers and studies in support of developing policies and programs that promote generation and availment of opportunities for gainful, humane and productive jobs, leading to the attainment of full employment in the country.
Specifically, it shall:
- Study and assess existing and proposed national policies and programs as well as conditions in the socio-political and economic environment vis-à-vis their effects on employment generation and manpower development;
- Contribute to the formulation, review and updating of the National Employment Plan and the National Manpower Development Plan to ensure government’s focus and systematic efforts at providing employment opportunities and their effective availed by the citizenry;
- Develop and propose labor bills and other policy instrument promotive of the employment goals;
- Monitor and review legislative and policy developments and prepare analyses and comments on their impact on employment and manpower development; and
- Study and develop approaches that would bring closer to the people government’s employment programs thereby hastening attainment of the employment goals of the country.
The Division shall conduct researches and studies in support of developing policies and programs that promote safe, healthy and humane work environment for workers and advance their general well-being and productivity.
Specifically, it shall:
- Study and assess existing and proposed nation policies and programs vis-à-vis their effects on workers’ protection, welfare and productivity;
- Develop and propose labor bills and other policy instruments that will promote the attainment of wholesome workplace, human terms and conditions of employment and secured future for workers;
- Monitor and review legislative and policy developments and prepare analyses and policy developments and prepare analyses and comments on their impact to workers’ welfare and protection; and
- Study and develop approaches for the promotion of healthy and humane terms and conditions of employment, particularly of disadvantaged groups such as children and women workers, working youth, overseas contract workers, agricultural workers and those in the informal sector.
The Division shall conduct researches and studies in all areas of labor and social relations for the development of policies and programs that promote the attainment of more democratic, constructive and productive partnership among workers, employers and government.
Specifically, it shall:
- Study and assess existing and proposed national policies and programs and significant societal conditions vis-à-vis their effects on labor and social relations in production;
- Develop and propose labor bills and policy instruments that will encourage the organization and/or strengthening of the various labor and social sectors towards socially responsible partnership;
- Monitor and review legislative and policy developments and prepare analysis and comments on their impact on labor and social relations in production; and
- Study and develop approaches in promoting sound labor and social relations.
The Division shall promote better understanding of labor and employment issues, particularly through the publication of the results of the Institute’s research and studies, and the effective organization and maintenance of its information resources for easier access by information users.
Specifically, it shall:
- Document, publish and disseminate researches and studies to the Institute’s target clients i.e., policymakers, research and academic institutions, labor, management and all concerned parties;
- Maintain and strengthen information networking activities with national and international institutions engaged in labor and employment research;
- Organize symposia, roundtable discussion and other fora to discuss current labor issues and problems, and/or to present research results for critiquing and/or validation; and
- Provide support services to other divisions by maintaining a specialized databank and a library, and by assisting in the development of computer programs required in research and other functions.
The Division shall supervise the human resource management, budget, accounting, supply and cashier sections, and formulate policies and programs pertaining to employee relations and matters related to wages and salary administration as well as administers uniform and consistent interpretation and application of policies and rules and regulations for the guidance and compliance of officers concerned.
Furthermore, the Division shall support and facilitate the implementation of the Institute’s mandate. It shall carryout policies and programs pertaining to the Institute employee relations, staff development, wage and benefits administration, grievance handling and internal management control. It shall also administer social services and schemes promotive of employee welfare. It shall take the lead in periodically evaluating and updating the management policies and programs of the Institute towards more effective, efficient and cohesive corporate pursuit of its mission.
Executive Director III
Deputy Executive Director III
Supervising Labor and Employment Officer
Supervising Labor and Employment Officer
Chief Labor and Employment Officer
Chief Labor and Employment Officer
Chief Administrative Officer