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Manila – Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) Executive Director Ahmma Charisma Lobrin-Satumba was invited to the Consultation with Government Agencies for the Development of the Five-Year Strategic Plan of the Philippine Council for Mental Health (PCMH) in relation to the implementation of Republic Act 11036 or the Philippine Mental Health Law last May 17 at the Best Western Hotel La Corona in Ermita, Manila.

Manila - The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) participated in the “Third Workshop of the Development of Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism for the ASEAN Labour Ministers’ Work Programme” (ALMWP) held last May 9-10 in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Manila – Institute for Labor Studies’ Senior Labor and Employment Officer Ms. Tecelyn B. Maramag, JD was among the 1,800 successful examinees of the 2018 Bar Examinations result released last May 3, 2019.

Ms. Maramag joined the Institute in 2015 as part of the Advocacy and Publications Division (APD). Her 2017 research titled, “Legislative Analysis of the NLRC Appeal Bill” was presented during the 6th DOLE Research Conference in 2017.

Manila – Institute for Labor Studies’ (ILS) Labor and Employment Officer III Marc Raphael A. Peñaredondo successfully passed his Visual Graphic Designer assessment and was awarded a National Certificate Level III by the Technical and Educational Skills Development Authority (TESDA) last May 10, 2019.

Manila – The Institute for Labor Studies’ (ILS) earned an unqualified opinion from the Commission on Audit (COA) for its Fiscal Year CY 2018 financial report, the latter being a true and fair reflection of the office’s financial condition, position, and operations.