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Manila - The Institute for Labor Studies joined the nation in celebrating the 123rd Philippine Independence Day last June 12, alongside the celebration of the World Day Against Child Labor (WDACL).

This year’s World Day Against Child Labour was celebrated with a “Week of Action against Child Labor” from 10-17 June 2021. Throughout this special week, events and activities around the world provided an opportunity to discuss the new ILO-UNICEF global estimates and trends on child labor and showcased progress on the implementation of International Year “2021 Action Pledges.”

Manila – The Institute for Labor Studies kicked off it 2021 Advocacy Series with a webinar titled “Digital Platforms: Rethinking Business and Redefining Work” held last June 29 via Zoom and livestreamed via the official ILS Facebook page.

“In the domestic front, we know that there are pending bills in both houses that seek to address the issue of online or platform in a digital economy. I think you share with me the hope that congress could pass a law to finally settle the labor question of our time and in the process make digital or platform-based or gig work an instrument toward human dignity. I’m sure that our resource persons for this webinar can provide breakthrough insights on how dignity in platform-based work can be realized. I take pride in what you (ILS) are doing as researchers during this challenging yet exciting times,” states DOLE Assistant Secretary Alex Avila V. Avila in his Opening Message. 

Manila – Newly-promoted Institute for Labor Studies Planning Officer II Mr. Levie F. Mariano, Jr. took his Oath of Office online last May 11 as administered by ILS Executive Director Ahmma Charisma Lobrin-Satumba, and witnessed by his colleagues from the Institute via Zoom platform.

Manila – The Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) management, headed by Executive Director Ahmma Charisma Lobrin-Satumba, conducted a series of online Management Review via the Zoom platform last May 10, 17 and 25, 2021.

The discussion covered the following: 1.) Review of Quality Management System (QMS) structure; 3.) Changes in QMS Committee Membership; and 4.) Review of Processes for Enrolment in QMS; 5) Client Satisfaction Report; and 6.) QMS Performance.

Manila – The Institute for Labor Studies commenced its annual iGov Talks series last May 11, via the online meeting platform Zoom, featuring ILS working papers on Social Protection.

The said activity was attended by representatives from the Department of Finance (DOF), Department of Budget and Management (DBM), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), National Economic Development Authority (NEDA), Social Security System (SSS), and League of Cities of the Philippines (LCP).