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Manila – The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), through the International Labor Affairs Bureau (ILAB), and the Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) organized the “1st Experts’ Work Meeting for the Public Campaign for Safe and Fair Migration in the ASEAN Region” held via Zoom last 25 February 2021.

The video campaign project on safe and fair migration in the ASEAN is part of the implementation of Agreement No. 40281447 between the International Labour Organization (ILO) and Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) under the auspices of the ASEAN Committee on Migrant Workers (ACMW) and funded through the Enhanced Regional EU-ASEAN Dialogue Instrument (EU- READI),

Manila – Researches from the Institute for Labor Studies presented their research findings on the ratification of ILO Convention 190 which focused on a world of work free from violence and harassment. The presentation was made during the 2021 National Tripartite Feedback eForum towards the Ratification of ILO Convention C.190 via the Cisco Webex online meeting platform held last February 19.

Manila – The Institute for Labor Studies received its Bronze Award PRIME-HRM (Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management) plaque of recognition from the Civil Service Commission for having met the Level 2-Maturity indicators in all of the four (4) core HRM systems under CSC resolution 2000115 dated January 21, 2020.

Manila – The Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) recently received great news from the Chairperson of the Administrative Order 25 Technical Working Group (AO25 IATF) affirming the Institute’s compliance with the requirements outlined in the Results-Based Performance Management System (RPBMS) and the agency’s qualification for the grant of the 2019 Performance-Based Bonus.

Manila – The Institute for Labor Studies Employees Association has chosen its set of officers in its very first online poll, which opened from January 12 and closed on January 14 at 10 am.

Based on the results of the election, all current ILSEA officers were unanimously re-elected for another one-year term as follows: Workers’ Welfare Research Division (WWRD) Chief Maria Isabel D. Artajo as President, Advocacy and Publications Division (APD) Labor and Employment Officer III Marc Raphael A. Peñaredondo as Vice-President, WWRD Senior LEO Malorie Joy O. Mones as Secretary, Finance and Administrative (FAD) Division Procurement Officer Levie F. Mariano as Treasurer, FAD Accountant Ivy A. Castronuevo as Auditor and Labor and Social Relations Research Division (LSRRD) LEO III Franchesca Rose S. Castillo as Public Relations Officer.