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Manila – The Institute for Labor Studies’ John Emmanuel B. Villanueva, Acting Chief of the Employment Research Division, won the 2nd prize in the Young Researchers Competition for his presentation titled, “Political Dynasties and Human Development Investments: Evidence of Linkage from Rizal Province, Philippines.”

Mr. Villanueva presented his Master of Public Administration (MPA) thesis on political dynasties during the “Spatial Dimension of Sustainable Development” Session of the 13th World Congress of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) held on 28 May 2021.

Manila - The Institute for Labor Studies successfully completed the conduct an external audit for its ISO 9001:2015 re-certification. The online audit was conducted remotely via Microsoft Teams last July 22 and was attended by all employees of the Institute.

Manila – ILS Executive Director Ahmma Charisma Lobrin-Satumba joined a select delegation from the Department of Labor and Employment that represented the Philippines in the 109th Session of the International Labor Conference (ILC).

Manila – The Institute for Labor Studies continues with its commitment to multi-sectoral engaged policy discussion through its i-Gov series via its 2nd episode for the year featuring a more in-depth discussion of its “Bike to Work” survey last June 4 via the Zoom online platform.

The research “Bike to Work: A Survey on Use of Bike in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic” was discussed in details by Miraluna S. Tacadao, Acting Chief Labor and Employment Officer (LEO), and Ivan Cassidy F. Villena, Senior LEO, both from the Institute’s Labor and Social Relations Research Division (LSRRD).

Manila – The Institute for Labor Studies paid tribute to one of its long-time serving employee during its celebration of the Pride month last June 25, which was conducted online via Zoom.

Outgoing Workers Welfare Research Division Chief Maria Isabel D. Artajo was lauded by her ILS colleagues, bosses, and DOLE Senior Officials alike for her numerous contributions to the Institute and her service to the public, particularly for passionately pushing for policies through research that promote meaningful change for the Filipino workforce.