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The Institute for Labor Studies, represented by Chief Labor and Employment Officer Patrick Patriwirawan, Jr., participated in the International Labour Organization (ILO) organized "National Validation of Baseline Survey and Sectoral Assessment Findings and Sectoral Compliance Planning Workshop" held in Hotel Kimberly, Tagaytay City last 22-23 June 2022,

The event convened national and regional representatives from the government, employers and workers' organizations from the rural sectors of fishing (tuna), agriculture (banana), and small-scale and large-scale mining.

The results were used as reference in the development of gender-responsive Tripartite Sectoral Compliance Plans, which included targets and interventions to help in the promotion of compliance to labor standards, occupational safety and health standards, and gender equality within the Project’s target sectors.

This was organized by the ILO Project on "Improving Workers' Rights in the Rural Sectors of the Indo-Pacific with a focus on Women," with support from the United States Department of Labor.
