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ILS Executive Director Jeanette T. Damo attended a one and half day event on Investing on Care Economy jointly organized by Asian Development Bank (ADB), International Labour Organization (ILO) and United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) held last 29-30 at the ADB Conference Hall.

The Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) in collaboration with the Asian Institute of Management Rizalino S. Navarro Policy Center for Competitiveness (AIM RSN PCC) with support from the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Philippines convened a multistakeholder consultation on the gig economy dubbed, “Future-proofing Work: Experiences in the Gig Economy,” on September 26, at the Asian Institute of Management, Makati City.

Mr. Reinerio A. Alba, Chief Labor and Employment Officer, together with Mr. Renz J. Nucup, Acting Supervising Labor and Employment Officer of the IT/Advocacy and Publications Division (APD) of the Institute, spearheaded the discussion on the topic: “Preparing Workplaces for Digital Transformation” in a capacity building of the National Conciliation and Mediation Board (NCMB) held on September 4 to 6, at the B Hotel in Quezon City.

The Institute for Labor Studies, through its Gender and Development (GAD) Committee, conducted a comprehensive workshop on GAD Analysis select ILS employees last September 13 to 14, at the ILS Conference Room, Intramuros, Manila.

The Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) participated in the “Green Jobs Forum: Transitioning to a Green and Blue Economy – Learning from North Sulawesi,” held at the Grand Luley Hotel & Resort in Tongkaina, Bunaken, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, from September 26 to 29, 2023. Mr. Bernard Paul M. Mangulabnan, Acting Chief Labor and Employment Officer of the Employment Research Division represented the Institute.