As part of its efforts to bring research closer and more accessible to the reading public via the Internet, the Institute for Labor Studies (ILS), will unveil its new website on labor and employment research that is linked to Facebook this month.
"We decided to come up with a new ILS website that is visibly linked to social networks, with a crisp layout, youthful design and relevant contents which would capture the attention of the research public, especially the youth, in exploring labor and employment issues and concerns,” said ILS Executive Director Cynthia R. Cruz.
For Aurora local Zoren Amat, it’s his turn to pay it forward when he returns to his hometown Baler, Aurora, as part of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Job Enrichment Program.
Mr. Zoren T. Amat is the first grantee of the DOLE Job Enrichment Program (JEP), a human resource initiative of DOLE that seeks to enhance service delivery of its employees through job exposures in actual operations of the Department.
DOLE prioritizes Decent and Productive Work at 2012 Development Policy Research Month
The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) through its policy research and advocacy arm, the Institute for Labor Studies (ILS), is pushing for Inclusive Growth through Decent and Productive Work at the 2012 Development Policy Research Month, to be held nationwide, this September.
“Green Jobs matter. Make them count.”
This is the theme when the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) convenes industry leaders and workers for Conversations on the Green Jobs Mapping Project today at the Pan Pacific Hotel, Malate, Manila.
In line with the Memorandum of Cooperation, between the Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce and the Department of Labor and Employment, the Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) and the Bureau of Workers with Special Concerns (BWSC) will be holding the 5thPartnerships in Governance Forum (PGF) on Agribusinessat the Occupational Safety and Health Center on 16 April 2012 at 9:00 A.M.