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Manila – In line with the Department of Labor and Employment’s (DOLE) contribution to address the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 under the banner theme, “DOLE: Creating Opportunities, Fresh Hope for the Filipino Workforce,” the Institute for Labor Studies (ILS), the policy research and advocacy arm of the Department, successfully launched its 10-part webinar series titled, “Revive & Thrive: The ILS COVID-19 Webinar Series, Actions for Creating a Decent Future of Work Amid and Beyond COVID-19,” in August 26 via Zoom, and broadcast live through the ILS official Facebook page.

Manila – The Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) was recently awarded the PRIME-HRM (Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management) Bronze Award by the Civil Service Commission for having met the Level 2-Maturity indicators in all of the four (4) core HRM systems under CSC Resolution No. 2000115 dated January 21, 2020.

The good news was conveyed to the ILS last August 19, via a congratulatory email signed by CSC-NCR Regional Director Atty. Judith A. Dongallo-Chicano, together with a copy of the resolution signed by CSC Chairperson Alicia dela Rosa-Bala, and CSC Commissioners Leopoldo Roberto W. Valderosa, Jr., and Aileen Lourdes A. Lizada.

Manila – With COVID-19 keeping most commuters away from public transport, the use of bicycle has emerged as a safe and convenient alternative mode of transport. In connection with this, the Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) has conducted a perception survey from July 29 until August 2 focusing on the use of bicycle as a transport option for Filipino workers.

The preliminary results were presented to DOLE Senior Officials last August 7 via an online meeting to discuss possible projects and policy recommendations. The survey is part of DOLE’s Bike-to-Work Project, which aims to assist workers in this time of pandemic by providing bicycle as a transport option or a livelihood opportunity.

Manila – The Department of Labor and Employment DOLE Assistant Secretary Alex V. Avila was joined by the Institute of Labor Studies (ILS) Executive Director Ahmma Charisma Lobrin-Satumba during the teleconference meeting with the World Bank (WB) held last 07 July 2020.

Also in attendance were ILS Acting Deputy Executive Director Patrick P. Patriwirawan, Jr., Ms. Paulina Kim C. Pacete, and Mr. Carl Sean E. Pablico, along with WB representatives Ms. Ruth R. Rodriguez, Ms. Yoonyoung Cho, and Mr. Yasuhiro Kawasoe.

Manila – The Institute of Labor Studies (ILS) participated in the webinar hosted by the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) titled “Addressing the Needs of Senior Citizens in the Philippines,” last July 23 via the Cisco Webex platform.

The webinar featured the PIDS discussion paper titled “Silver Linings for the Elderly in the Philippines: Policies and Programs for Senior Citizens,” authored by Celia M. Reyes, Arkin A. Arboneda, and Ronina D. Asis. The study examined the situation of Senior Citizens in the Philippines, and the country’s policies and programs for Senior Citizens (SC).