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This research paper serves as one of the Department's many efforts to promote decent work and balance the interests of both labor and management. It acknowledges the necessity of social dialogue and feedback mechanisms, especially in contentious issues such as contracting and subcontracting employment arrangements. For its objectives, it seeks to 1) present a historical and thematic analysis of the Department of Labor and Employment's (DOLE) regulations on contracting to identify key/significant developments; and 2) present an evidence-based analysis of the issues to be addressed in the event of a review or revision of the current policy. Its framework and methodology are anchored in Section 3, Article XIII of the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, also known as the labor protection clause. Over the course of the study, it was found that no substantial changes have been introduced in provisions concerning the parties involved, bond, unfair labor practices, prohibited acts, registration requirements, cancellation effect, required contracts and contents, and monitoring.

A case analysis of leading case laws on platform work from Australia, New Zealand, France, Spain, The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States of America, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and the Philippines was conducted to arrive at a deeper understanding of how platform work is appreciated in each country and subsequently, to arrive at viable policy options to be applied locally. Based on the totality of cases, the study concluded that control and supervision are still the determining factors of the employer-employee relationship, determination of the employer-employee relationship in relation to platform work remains to be decided on a case-to-case basis, contracts are not given importance in determining the employer-employee relationship, and platform work are still largely unregulated. It is recommended to draft a model contract for platform workers to protect them from exploitation and to propose a legislative measure similar to Spain’s Riders’ Law.

This study provides an overview of the Gen Z labor force in the Philippines, focusing on their sociodemographic profile, perspectives on work, and career prospects. The study identifies the challenges faced by the Gen Z labor force, including the difficulty of finding decent employment and the appeal of the emerging digital platform economy and freelance work. The study also discusses the skills gap and job-skills mismatch as significant concerns for Gen Zs, which highlights the need for education and training opportunities. The study concludes with policy recommendations for the Philippine government and stakeholders to harness the potentials of the Gen Z labor force and safeguard their welfare, considering region-specific perspectives validated by tripartite partners.

Public sector plays a vital role in providing basic social services to the population and the government itself. However, the continuous threat of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021 poses effects not only on the government’s frontline services but also to the public servants who are likely to be exposed to contracting COVID-19 as most government agencies started going back to traditional work arrangement. The survey intended to provide a descriptive analysis of the implementation alternative work arrangement in government offices during the community quarantine of March 2020 and June 2021. An online survey was disseminated to the members of Public Services Labor Independent Confederation (PSLINK-PUBLIK) from 08-16 December 2021 and covers rank-and-file career and non-career personnel. The data collected were analyzed based on the thematic areas of the survey: implementation of alternative work arrangements (AWAs) in government offices; eligibility of employees to work from home (WFH); WFH practices; and perception of employees on telecommuting. The findings show that majority of the agencies adapted work from home arrangement, but many of their employees were still required to report to the offices even during the community quarantine. Most of the respondents implied having a designated workstation and infrastructure at home. And while most of respondents stated that they work not more than eight hours a day, a fraction of the respondents indicated that there are instances of working for at least 10 hours a day, especially the female employees. Agencies also based the employee’s eligibility to WFH on their job function and usage and relevance of technology to the nature of their jobs. Despite the challenges in the implementation of WFH, majority of the respondents perceived that telecommuting implementation in government service is a favorable idea considering the current landscape of Philippine workforce. As one of the major economic contributors in terms of consumption and expenditure, digital governance may seem to be a viable alternative for the public sector to continuously provide a quality public service for the Filipino people. This analysis may aide the policy makers in reviewing the current implementation of alternative work arrangements in government offices and to further evaluate the institutionalization of work-from-home and telecommuting in the public sector.

The workplace’s interaction with technology during the pandemic have accelerated trends such as digitization and automation, allowing more flexibility on how the work gets done. From the time- and location-flexibility, the industries now face the – of hybrid work arrangement. Hybrid Work is a flexible work model that supports a blend of in-office and remote working experience. It offers employees the flexibility to choose to work wherever and however they are most productive. Due to its nature, hybrid work relies heavily on the internet and technology, hence the digital infrastructure plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of its implementation. The study sought to analyze and document the existing practice of establishments implementing hybrid work arrangement. Findings of the study revealed that ---