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Philippine Standard Time

A case analysis of leading case laws on platform work from Australia, New Zealand, France, Spain, The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States of America, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and the Philippines was conducted to arrive at a deeper understanding of how platform work is appreciated in each country and subsequently, to arrive at viable policy options to be applied locally. Based on the totality of cases, the study concluded that control and supervision are still the determining factors of the employer-employee relationship, determination of the employer-employee relationship in relation to platform work remains to be decided on a case-to-case basis, contracts are not given importance in determining the employer-employee relationship, and platform work are still largely unregulated. It is recommended to draft a model contract for platform workers to protect them from exploitation and to propose a legislative measure similar to Spain’s Riders’ Law.

KEYWORDS: platform work, delivery riders

RESEARCHER: Joanne Camille P. Bejarin

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