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The introduction of digital labor platforms redefined labor exchange effecting significant implications to work processes and organization. While platform workers have garnered greater autonomy and income (whether primary or secondary), majority of them have limited social protection, leaving them vulnerable to economic shocks and life contingencies. Platform worker, as self-employed are covered in a similar way to a salaried worker. However, the level is generally lower which the availability and conditions under which social protection benefits heavily depend on rules set out in national legislations and their effective implementation. Typical challenges in extending social security such as limited coverage, benefit inadequacy and cost in providing the scheme were compounded by several factors namely, fluctuating earnings, legal exclusion, double contribution challenge, limited administrative capacities, lack of information and absence of compliance and enforcement. To ease the barriers in extending social security for platform workers, many countries have taken steps in varying approaches. Some countries have extended both legal and effective coverage to self-employed workers. Innovations were introduced to address administrative barriers, facilitate contribution collection, and promote information and awareness. Generally, countries have leverage on the use of technology and data analytics to cover platform workers in coordination with platform companies. Moreover, social dialogue among the relevant stakeholders contributes to a clearer understanding of platform work toward effective and consistent responses. There are countries (i.e., Italy and Spain) that provided an intermediate category to address classification issues that had been decades in implementation.

The Philippines' fisheries industry is crucial to the country's economy given the archipelagic nature of the nation. However, it continues to face challenges due to seasonal employment and precarious conditions of workers in the industry, as well as a variety of threats associated with overfishing and climate change. A critical dimension to the seasonality of work is the access to and scope of social protection benefits for the workers and their families. Using the case of workers affected by the implementation of closed fishing season in Zamboanga Peninsula Region, the purpose of this study is to describe the working conditions and determine the available social protection programs for workers in the commercial sardine fishing and canning industry. The results show that the negative effects of the fishing closures are felt by the workers in both the fishing and canning industry largely in terms of income loss. This, eventually affect their ability to support their household needs and thus, their interpersonal relationships. Aside from inadequate income, instability of work, and challenges in combining work and personal life, concerns are also found in terms of ensuring safe and healthy work environment, social insurance coverage, and workers’ involvement in multistakeholder and governance initiatives. While there are social protection measures (i.e., labor market interventions, social insurance, social assistance, and safety nets) that have been developed by the Philippine government, this study presents the challenges in terms of adequacy, gender-responsiveness and sustainability among others. Meanwhile, the employers sector likewise have varying concerns such as the retention or recruitment of workers and increasing operational costs. Given the interdependence of the pillars of decent work and how it affects workers' social protection, this research makes a strong case for government agencies in integrating measures to comprehensively address the concerns of workers, their communities, and the industry in general in the development plans and evaluation of poverty reduction measures, both in the receiving and sending localities. Despite the obstacles, there are also opportunities to open the discussions on the social insurance that these workers can be provided with and to further consolidate a number of nested and connected governance systems to address inequities and safeguard workers in the sardine industry. This will hopefully aid in reducing the vulnerability of the affected seasonal workers and the ecosystems that support them to pave the way for a more inclusive and sustainable future.

The employment situation in 2016 emphasized the importance of raising the competitiveness of human capital vis-à-vis economic development and the need for enhanced public-sector initiative that will spur more quality employment generation. To resolve this, the administration of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte endeavored to prioritize investing on the human capital to elevate the employability of the workforce and implement nationwide infrastructure development program to spur employment opportunities across different regions. Despite the generally upward labor and employment trends, the COVID-19 pandemic seemed to offset the success of the Duterte administration in the world of work. The vulnerability of the labor market to internal and external shocks warrants a critical analysis on the effectiveness of active labor market policies and emerging trends that affect the workforce. Gauging the performance of the Duterte administration through key labor market indicators determines the strengths and weaknesses of the labor market, as well as the effectiveness of labor market interventions. Using secondary data from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), this study finds that while the COVID-19 pandemic caused significant setbacks in other labor market variables, the human resource base generally expanded over the course of six years. In the same time frame, this paper finds that the quality of available jobs in the labor market and youth employment also improved albeit at an uneven pace. In comparison to the previous administrations, the priorities outlined in the labor and employment agenda and the socio-economic landscape during their tenure greatly affects the employment situation hence resulting into distinctive achievements in the labor market