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As a developing country, the Philippines is seriously embarking on its efforts to drive economic growth and improve its competitiveness and productivity in order to increase employment opportunities and reduce poverty. This is anchored on the inclusive growth framework of the present administration of the Philippine government, which requires that sustained economic growth must “massively create jobs, draw vast majority into the economic and social mainstream and continuously reduce mass poverty.” According to business and labor alike, productivity gainsharing is seen to be the missing puzzle of the labor and management community towards poverty alleviation, economic contribution business efficiency and global competitiveness.

Productivity gainsharing, indeed, fits into the national development agenda of inclusive growth. The challenge, however, is how to encourage businesses to adopt and implement productivity gainsharingschemes and educate them on the latter’s contribution toward enterprise growth.

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Title:Driving Enterprise Growth and Improving Workers’ Productivity: A Study of Productivity Gainsharing Practices in the Philippines 
: Stephanie B. Tabladillo