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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Group I contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) warned that extreme weather events will intensify due to climate change, thus stating: “Globally, it is likely that the area encompassed by monsoon systems will increase over the 21st century.” It is in this likely context of intensified disaster and climate-induced risk that the author wrote this paper to present a strategy framework that will highlight the employment dimension of disaster experience and recommend strategies for preventing massive and long-term loss of employment and livelihood in post-disaster settings.

The paper focused on the hazard of typhoons, particularly the experience in Typhoons Ondoy, Sendong and Pablo.  The paper proposes a framework of government supports for resilience building among workers. This framework proposes that the government should provide resilience-building supports as a foundation for reducing if not eliminating or reducing probability and severity of disaster risk. This paper has three parts corresponding to components of the framework: 1) labor market risks as indications probability of disaster risk; 2) severity of disaster experiences (typhoons Ondoy, Pepeng, Sendong and Pablo); 3) government supports for recovery solutions, divided into two stages: anticipatory or preventive resilience building supports that can be put in place prior to the disaster and adaptive supports to facilitate transition of workers to situation of recovery from a disaster that had not been prevented; and 4) worker resilience building supports policy and strategy framework. The study used the qualitative research method of case study and gathered data through roundtable discussions, interviews and document review.

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Title: Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Improving Labor Market Resilience and Employment Recovery 
:Mary Grace L. Riguer