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Philippine Standard Time

Rights at Work

The paper examines the efforts of various government and non-government organizations that have programs toward improving the working conditions of workers in the informal economy in the construction industry. These programs include access to social insurance scheme, training on construction safety and skills upgrading.

The paper attempts to determine the influence of trade unions in shaping policies at the backdrop of declining levels of unionism in the Philippines. It provides a discussion on the effects of unionism in relation to workers’ benefits at the industry-level, firm level and to the individual workers.

The paper attempts to analyze the provision of legal assistance by the DOLE to OFWs focusing on victims of trafficking in person. The paper provides mapping of existing policy and program responses on providing legal assistance; identification of gaps on providing legal assistance and recommendations on enhancing DOLE’s responses to these challenges.


The paper looks into the clamor from the business sector to review the policy on holidays in the Philippines, particularly on its implications on productivity and competitiveness. The paper presents options for mutual and collective gains to reconcile business concerns with workers’ welfare.