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Philippine Standard Time

Policy Brief

Recognizing the importance of a skilled workforce to attain productive, innovative and competitive industries, many industry stakeholders have identified human resource development (HRD) as a key cross-sectoral issue of concern for Philippine industrialization. In view of this, the Board of Investments (BOI) of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has requested the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) to spearhead the crafting of HRD plans that will complement the roadmaps formulated by industries. In pursuing the purpose of this paper, namely, to guide and inform policymakers in developing a DOLE framework and action plan to deal with the HRD issues of industries, this paper aims to carry out a review of existing HRD planning practices or HRD frameworks in the Philippines or in select Asian countries, with special interest on members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Using document review and discussions with DOLE policymakers as methodology, the research finds that practices in HRD planning typically cover three common aims: (a) matching available skills supply to the specific skills demands of industries; (b) beyond responding to industry demands, prioritizing the strengthening of workers’ generic skills for lifelong learning and employability across all sectors; and (c) engaging employers, workers, social partners, education and training institutions, and other government agencies in ensuring a highly skilled and adaptable workforce. Using lessons from discussed country cases, a series of recommended action points is proposed for the policymakers’ consideration.

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Title: Documenting Practices in Human Resources Development Planning
: Institute for Labor Studies