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The Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) held a validation forum in line with the implementation of the research project titled, "Managing Disruptions in the Age of Automation, Integration, and Reforms: A Situational Analysis of the IT-BPM Sector in the Philippines” in Richmonde Hotel, Ortigas, Pasig City last January 27.

ILS Acting Deputy Executive Director III Patrick P. Patriwirawan, Jr., Employment Research Division (ERD) Senior Labor and Employment Officer Carl Sean E. Pablico, and Advocacy and Publications Labor and Employment Officer II Arianne Ishreen C. Bucar, presented the findings of their study.

The study looked into the following areas: the rise of artificial intelligence and digital technology in the era of the fourth industrial revolution; the shift towards an integrated economy within the ASEAN region; and government reforms, vis-à-vis the overall competitiveness and business sustainability of the Information Technology and Business Process Management (IT-BPM) sector.

The validation forum was attended by ILS Executive Director Ahmma Charisma Lobrin-Satumba, ILS Employees and was hosted by Employment Research Division Chief Paulina Kim E. Pacete. Also in attendance were key stakeholders and tripartite partners, particularly representatives from the following agencies: Bureau of Working Conditions, Bureau of Local Employment, Bureau of Labor Relations, Department of Information and Communications Technology, Department of Trade and Industry, Department of Education, Department of Science and Technology, and Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA).

As for the study’s research findings, data confirmed the prevalence of freelance and contract work not only in the animation but also in game development, and IT and software development sub sectors. It also showed that 56% of establishments have implemented telecommuting in their workplaces, and likewise showed that establishments continue to comply with OSH standards to ensure occupational safety and health in the workplace. However, it showed the need to craft additional policies that will ensure and strengthen mental health in the workplace.

The study recommended the development of a typology on freelance work including work arrangements, working conditions, and safety and health. It also endorses the establishment of institutional mechanisms for freelance work for both gig and platform economy to ensure that their rights and welfare are protected and ensured, which also include social protection.