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The newly elected officers of the Institute for Labor Studies Employees Association (ILSEA), took their oath of office before ILS Executive Director Cynthia R. Cruz last December 12, 2012.

The Institute for Labor Studies Employees Association (ILSEA) is the accredited labor union of the Institute for Labor Studies.

The new ILSEA officers held a general assembly of all ILSEA members, which served as an opportunity for both officers and members to discuss present issues and future directions that the association is facing.

“We live by the ideals of decent work that we advocate for here at the Institute. We regularly work with our employees on how we can make work at the Institute decent and productive for everybody,” said Executive Director Cynthia Cruz of the Institute for Labor Studies.

Elected president was Ms. Isabel Artajo, who presented during the general assembly the union’s plan, which include revisions of the Institute’s Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA), that proposes for additional benefits for ILS Employees.

“The ILSEA looks forward to working with our employees and the Institute’s management, towards making the ILS a happy place to work at. At the heart of the ILSEA’s plans is the CNA, which we hope can reap more benefits for ILS employees,” said Artajo, ILSEA President.

According to Ms. Artajo, the revisions in the current CNA would be the basis of a new CNA for 2013. The new CNA will be subject to consultation to ILSEA members, before it would be ratified and presented to the Office of the Executive Director for negotiation and approval. Other innovations to be introduced include the Damayan Fund which aims to provide assistance to employees for emergencies, like disasters and emergencies in the family.

 “The ILS walks the talk on decent work, and we start that “walk” with our very own employees. We are excited on what the ILSEA has in place for the coming year, and rest assured we will work with them hand in hand in making the ILS the best place to work for,” said Cruz.

 The ILS is an attached agency of the Department of Labor and Employment. It is the policy research and advocacy arm of the DOLE, and can be accessed at their website at

(For more information on this press release please contact Mr. Bryan Balco, Labor & Employment Officer III, Advocacy & Publications Division, Institute for Labor Studies, Telephone Nos.: 5273490 / 5273447)

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