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Manila – The Institute for Labor Studies successfully completed the conduct an external audit for its ISO 9001:2015 surveillance 2 audit. The online audit was conducted remotely via Microsoft Teams last July 28 and was attended by all employees of the Institute.

The audit began with an opening meeting where the opening remarks was delivered by ILS Executive Director Ahmma Charisma Lobrin-Satumba. She also introduced external auditors from SOCOTEC Certification International, Ms. Czaharina Buaquena and Ms. Merce Flores who conducted the surveillance 2 audit.

This was immediately followed by online breakout sessions involving the various process teams and their respective leads with the audit of ILS accomplishments for 2019 and continuing commitments for 2020.

At the end of the audit, SOCOTEC Lead Auditor Buaquena announced the following positive findings: that the ISO culture is unwavering and well-embraced by the organization, citing the ILS’ adaptability as evidenced by its countermeasures at the onset of the pandemic.

The auditors also noted the passion and work ethic of the Institute’s employees as a clear indication of the organization’s commitment, accountability, and leadership from the Top Management down to the members of the organization. They also noted that the ILS’ continued drive to improve its processes and its pro-active response to the COVID-19 pandemic is admirable.

Ms. Buaquena likewise echoed the positive findings by Ms. Flores on the Advocacy and Publications Division (APD) and Labor and Social Relations Research Division, auditees for the research services realization, citing that the two divisions showed consistent awareness and commitment in the implemented management system. The auditors also pointed out that the Institute was well prepared for the remote audit as was shown in the efficiency of the presentation of documents and evidentiary records via SharePoint and the screen share function of MS Teams. There was also personnel awareness and competency, which she said was clearly observed during the audit interview and discussion.

The external audit meeting was closed with a positive validation of the Institute’s ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System compliance and recommendation for certification maintenance for 2020-2021. The closing remarks was delivered by Acting Deputy Executive Director Patriwirawan, Jr. who also thanked all employees’ participation in the said audit and reiterated the commitment of the Institute to excellence in all its processes.