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Manila - The Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) together the Bureau of Working Conditions (BWC) in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) spearheaded the National Tripartite Validation Workshop on ILO Work in Fishing Convention, 2007 (C188) on July 10, at the Century Park Hotel, Malate, Manila.

The workshop aims to raise awareness of the core principles of C188 and seek the views and recommendations of tripartite bodies from relevant government agencies, employers, workers, and other stakeholders. This is an essential component of DOLE’s social dialogue initiatives as the Philippines weighs in on the ratification of ILO C188.

Atty. Alvin B. Curada, Director of BWC presented the alignment of national laws and policies with international standards. This was followed by an overview of ILO Convention No. 188 presented by Mi Zhou, Chief Technical Adviser of the Ship to Shore Rights Southeast Asia, ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.  ILS Deputy Executive Director Atty. Mary Grace L. Rigeur-Teodosio presented the 2015 ILS Gap Analysis and the 2019 ILO Comparative Analysis on the ILO C188 ratification. This was followed by a validation workshop participated by tripartite partners.

As a way forward, the conduct of a regional tripartite consultation in coordination with relevant bureaus and agencies is being eyed on the review of DOLE Department Order No. 156, series of 2016 on the “Rules and Regulations Governing the Working and Living Conditions of Fishers On Board Fishing Vessels Engaged in Commercial Fishing Operation.”
