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September 12, 2019 --- ILS Acting Deputy Executive Director III Patrick P. Patriwirawan, Jr. emphasized decent work and humanity on the discussion of the Future of Work during the 4th Regional Career Advocacy Congress (RCAC) at the Grand Convention Center, Cebu City.

The RCAC is under the Department of Labor and Employment’s Career Guidance Advocacy Program, which aims to provide timely and relevant labor market information. Lectures on the latest trends in the labor market, guidance counseling, and career mapping were also discussed. The activity was attended by representatives from different national government agencies, teachers, guidance counselors, career advocates, and various stakeholders.

With the 2019 theme, PH 4.0: Preparing for a Digital-Ready Workforce, the 4th RCAC served as a platform to raise awareness on the Fourth Industrial Revolution which involves the rise of automation, artificial intelligence, data analytics, and fusion of several technologies that will alter the way we live and work.

In his presentation entitled The Future of Work and the Evolving Workplace, using Global and Regional Perspectives, Mr. Patriwirawan told the participants, “When transitioning people in jobs and skills, there should always be support not just from the government, but also from the business sector and the academe. We have to make sure that whatever technology we introduce, decent work and humanity will not be compromised."

He also emphasized that because of the changing times, the challenge today is more than just upholding decent work --- it must be “decent and sustainable work.” This means safeguarding the sustainability of the environment for the upcoming generations as well.

The 4th RCAC was made possible through the efforts of the DOLE Region VII in partnership with the Federation of Career Guidance Advocates Network, Inc. composed of members from the Department of Education, Commission on Higher Education, Department of Science and Technology, Professional Regulation Commission, and Technical Education and Skills Development Authority.
