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Labor and Employment Officers from the Institute of Labor Studies recently completed a week-long training on Descriptive Statistics funded by the International Labor Organization, which was held at the Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC) in Diliman, Quezon City from January 13-17.

The Institute was represented by Frances Camille G. Dumalaog, Franchesca Rose S. Castillo, and Malorie Joy O. Mones from the Workers Welfare Research Division, Cesar A. Mansal from the Employment Research Division, Carl Sean E. Pablico from the Labor and Social Relations Research Division, and Arianne Ishreen C. Bucar from the Advocacy and Publications Division.

The training is in connection with the SafeYouth@Work program of the OSHC, which aims to further enhance the technical capacities of the DOLE agencies to process and analyze OSH related data. Descriptive Statistics is one of the five training courses organized by the OSHC under “Basic Statistical Methods and Analysis of Data on Work Related Injuries and Illnesses,” which is conducted by facilitators from the Philippine Statistical Research and Training Institute (PSRTI).

Descriptive Analysis includes modules on its Basic Concepts, Collection of Data and Questionnaire Creation, Methods of Data Presentation, Graph Construction using Microsoft Excel, and Summary Measures. Succeeding training courses for the full program, which include Estimation and Hypothesis Training, Regression Analysis, and Time Series Analysis and Basic Forecasting, will resume on January 21 and will close by February 21.

The Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) is the policy research and advocacy arm of the Department of Labor and Employment. For more information on this story, please contact the Advocacy and Publications Division at 527-3590.