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The Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) joined the Bureau of Working Conditions (BWC) of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) and the International Labor Organization (ILO) in the conduct of the Regional Tripartite Validation of the Gap Analysis relative to the International Labour Organization (ILO) Work in Fishing Convention 2007, No. 188 (C188) in the cities of Zamboanga and General Santos, in two regions with established Industry Tripartite Councils (ITC), on May 28 and 30, 2024.

The Regional Tripartite and Industry Peace Council validations were conducted to present the consolidated and comprehensive matrices of the gap analysis and gather inputs and insights from stakeholders for validation of the said assessment. The inputs and responses obtained from the members of the tripartite council and stakeholders will serve as a reference as the Philippines pushes for the ratification of ILO C188 in the country. 

BWC Director Atty. Alvin A. Curada presented the objectives of the ITC meeting and tripartite validation of both events. He provided context on the proposed ratification of ILO C188 and the alignment of national laws and policies with international standards consistent with the Convention.

The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations called for a public hearing on the proposed Senate Resolution No. 534 or the “Resolution Urging the Executive Department to Ratify the International Labour Organization Work in Fishing Convention, 2007 (No. 188)” introduced by Senator Joel Villanueva. DOLE has since conducted a series of regional and national tripartite validation of the gaps, issues, and concerns through Industry Tripartite Councils (ITCs) and Regional Tripartite Industrial Peace Councils as part of the social dialogue mechanism of the Department.

DOLE Regional Directors Albert E. Gutib (Region IX) and Joel M. Gonzales (Region XII) discussed the 2023 Accomplishments and 2024 Updates on the Strategic Compliance Plan implementation and partners' progress including other stakeholders' inputs and contributions in their respective regions. ILO representative of Ship to Shore Rights Southeast Asia Technical Officer Ben Harkins shared the overview and key provisions of C188 ensuring decent work in the fishing industry. ILS Deputy Executive Director Atty. Mary Grace L. Riguer-Teodosio presented the ILS 2015 Gap Analysis Assessment findings done by the Workers Welfare Research Division, and the developments since. ILS and BWC served as the event secretariat.

On June 25, other regions attended another consultation on the ratification of C188. A national validation will be conducted in July this year. Attendees of the consultations include Fishing ITC members, employers, and workers representatives.
