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The Institute for Labor Studies’ Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board (HRMPSB) conducted its very first wholly online interview of applicants for Senior Labor Employment Officer position held via Zoom platform last April 2.

With the Enhanced Community Quarantine still in place, the Institute’s HRMPSB, chaired by Acting DED Patrick P. Patriwirawan, Jr., opted to proceed with the online interview of seven applicants vying for the position.

The Institute employs the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method for behavioral-based interview, which are centered around competency-focused questions to elicit concrete competency examples during the interview.

The lineup of applicants who were interviewed even included one who resided in Cagayan de Oro City. The online interview was done successfully, with the applicants delivering prompt answers, helped by a smooth connection, and secured in the privacy of their homes.