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MANILA – The Institute for Labor Studies Gender and Development Committee successfully organized a webinar titled “Violence x Harassment: How Does It Affect Productivity” on 15 December 2023 via Zoom platform and Facebook Live. The webinar explores the importance of the ratification of the the Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190) its accompanying Recommendation (No. 206), known as ILO Convention 190 or C190 , the first-ever international treaty on violence and harassment in the world of work.

The webinar also discusses the role of ILO C190 and its role in promoting a safe and healthy workplace, away from violence and harassment. It also deals with the impact of violence and harassment on women's choices, particularly on their participation in the labor market.

Ms. Joyce Anne S. Lumactud, Supervising Labor and Employment Officer of the Labor and Social Relations Research Division gave a presentation on her master’s thesis paper titled “The Labor Force Participation Cost of Sexual Violence and Harassment in the Philippines: An Analysis of the Impact of Sexual Violence and Harassment in Women’s Decision to Work”. Ms. Lumactud comprehensively discussed the cost of sexual violence and harassment which has far-reaching effects ranging from the individual victim to the workplace, the government, and the economy. 

Ms. Valentina Beghini, a Legal Specialist on Violence, Harassment and Non-discrimination in the Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Branch of the International Labour Organization in Geneva provided the participants a deep understanding on the key principles of ILO C190, emphasizing its pivotal significance in the global context.

In 2020, the Institute published their paper titled “Affirming the Right to Freedom from Violence and Harassment in the World of Work: A Gap Analysis of ILO Convention 190”, and was presented during the 2021 National Tripartite Feedback eForum towards the Ratification of ILO Convention C.190 in February of that year.

On December 11 2023, the culmination of the three-year campaign of #RatifyILOC190 led to a historic milestone as the Philippine Senate voted to concur with the ratification of ILOC190. This milestone positioned the Philippines as the 37th country globally and the first in Asia to take this crucial step.

The full webinar can be accessed through the ILS Official Facebook Page:

The full copy of the ILS paper, “Affirming the Right to Freedom from Violence and Harassment in the World of Work: A Gap Analysis of ILO Convention 190”, can be downloaded through this link: