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On  19 September 2018, the Institute for Labor Studies participated in the “Annual Public Policy Conference” of the Philippine Institute for Development Studies held at the Edsa Shangri-La Hotel.

With the theme: "Harnessing the Industrial Revolution: Creating Our Future Today", the event tackled issues and opportunities facing the Philippines as it embraces the Fourth Industrial Revolution (FIRe). It brought together experts, academics, policymakers, and private sector and civil society representatives in a multidisciplinary conversation on how the Philippines can harness the opportunities and manage the risks emerging from this fourth major industrial era. Technological breakthroughs such as advanced robotics, artificial intelligence, internet of things, 3D printing, blockchain, and big data analytics are expected to alter the patterns of production, consumption, and employment, creating both opportunities and risks.

DOLE Assistant Secretary Alex Avila chaired the breakout session on Labor Market and Social Protection where “The Future of Work and Social Protection” was discussed by Markus Ruck, Senior Specialist on Social Protection for the Philippines and South-East Asia, International Labour Organization (ILO).

The Institute for Labor Studies is the policy and research arm of the Department of Labor and Employment. For more information about ILS products and services, please visit: http// or call Advocacy and Publication Division at Tel. No. 527-3590