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This study  uses aworkplace  skills  and  satisfaction  survey  among  construction  companies to generate baseline data on needed and critical skills requirements of the construction industry. This baseline  data  will  be  used  to  inform  future  training  programs,  support, andotherprograms  by government for capacity building and innovation of the industry, in support of the human resource strategy  of  the  Philippine  Construction  Industry  Roadmap  2020-2030.  Further,  the  results  of  the workplace skills and satisfaction survey can formpart of wider skills needs anticipation initiatives and  analyses.    This  is  so  that  the  construction  sector  will  have  the  necessary  human  capital  to support and strengthen the industry as a whole in attaining the goals of the Roadmap.

Click Here to Download Full Report of Skills Needs Anticipation (SNA): Workplace Skills & Satisfaction (WSS) Baseline Survey of Select Employers in the Construction Industry

Title: Skills Needs Anticipation (SNA): Workplace Skills & Satisfaction (WSS) Baseline Survey of Select Employers in the Construction Industry

Researcher: Paulina Kim C. Pacete