Taguig City - Mr. Bernard Paul M. Mangulabnan of the DOLE Institute for Labor Studies presented and addressed inquiries on the Updated National Green Jobs Human Resource Development (NGJHRD) Plan 2020-2030, as part of the Capability Building Workshop for Regional Green TVET focals, being held at the Green Technology Center, TESDA Complex, Taguig City.

The presentation provided updates on the revised NGJ HRD Plan 2020-2030, which incorporates learnings over recent years and new developments to chart an updated roadmap focused on skills, decent work, and a just transition while maintaining the long-term vision of scaling up green jobs to promote inclusive growth, environmental sustainability, and climate resilience.

Ms. Georginia Pascual, Project Technical Officer of the International Labour Organization also provided a presentation on Green Jobs and Just Transition: Implications on Employment & Economic Growth in the Philippines. She states that greening and climate change pose challenges and opportunities in the Labor Market, emphasizing that the aim is to create green and decent jobs with a whole government approach.

Mandated under the Philippine Green Jobs Act of 2016, the Updated National Green Jobs Human Resource Development (NGJHRD) Plan 2020-2030 is one of the eight (8) ongoing projects of the Institute for the fiscal year 2024. It is set to be presented at the 13th DOLE Research Conference in October.
