Manila – The Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) recently availed of the Occupational Safety and Health Orientation (OSH) for its employees at the ILS office in Intramuro, Manila last December 5.

The orientation was intended to capacitate all employees, and to refresh designated safety officers on occupational safety and health in the workplace, specially with the recent transfer of the ILS employees to its new address at BF Condominium building in Solana Street, Intramuros, Manila.

Mr. Rizaldy C. Domino of the OSH Center Training and Public Information Division discussed the importance of occupational safety and health for all workers. Engr. Dennis C. Aquino of the Safety Control Division further delved on the topic “Recognition and Control of Potential Safety Hazards in the Workplace” while Dr. Marissa L. San Jose of the Health Control Division oriented the ILS employees on health effects of different workplace hazards, and lifestyle-related diseases and workplace concerns.